“Of War and Men” is a WWII based, squad-level card game that introduces the individual heart of a soldier into the framework and strategies of war. Build effective fireteams and create or discover the land as you cross the war torn map and try to outflank, outmaneuver, and out gun the enemy. As any good leader, you must consider the individual strengths and weaknesses of your soldiers to make sure your Mission is a success.
In one Mission, you must rescue or capture the Resistance soldier who has recovered secret plans and get them safely back to your camp. In another, you must parachute into the landing zone and capture the bridge in order to win the day. This 2-4 person game can be played within an hour, or track your soldiers across an entire campaign, awarding medals for courage and valor, while determining the ability of green troops coming in to replace lost heroes. Replay-ability is high since each encounter will vary based on Mission, fireteams, map builds, and general unpredictability of war.
But these aren't just pieces on a board. You aren’t just sending in soldier #2, but rather, you are sending in Corporal “Pokey” Johnston. His bio informs you that he's a down home roots kind of guy from Colorado. He hasn't been able to hit the broadside of a barn on this mission. However, you've been saving that "Act of Valor" card and you decide to play it with Corporal Johnston and he turns the tide of battle. These aren't just names on a roster. These aren't just numbers on a map. These are your men. These are your brothers in arms.